Henry Miniter

Of Counsel

About Henry Miniter

As a former Detective who became an Attorney, I know how to investigate a case, build it from the ground up, present the case to a jury, and provide families with answers and justice.

My professional experience has ranged from litigating complex medical malpractice cases to analyzing violent crime scenes, from oral argument in the Colorado Court of Appeals to affecting felony arrests, and from interpreting the debris field of a fatal motor vehicle collision to making a closing argument to a jury involving a collision. Through these diverse experiences, I have developed a skill set that permits me to pursue justice for my clients in a variety of ways.

I understand that every case contains issues of right and wrong and that courtrooms exist to right wrongs. America’s founders put their trust in juries, in the citizenry, and charged them with the duty to both set and enforce society’s standards. Notably, the founders decided against bestowing this power upon government officials tempted to sacrifice standards of justice to career aspirations or politicians tempted to use our courts to gain publicity. This fact highlights the value of self-governance and explains why our founders vested the power of justice in the actual citizenry. To clients, it means that through persistent advocacy, truth prevails, and justice is attainable because the citizens sit in judgment.

I have taken multi-million dollar jury verdicts, I’ve achieved multi-million dollar settlements, but more than that I have provided answers to people who wanted to know why their child died, who wanted to understand why they woke up from anesthesia as a quadriplegic, or who just wanted to know that everything possible had been done to prevent the tragedy from landing on another family.