Wrongful Death Lawyers in Colorado Springs, CO

Fighting for those who have lost loved ones due to negligence

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Colorado Springs

(719) 309-3000
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Colorado Springs, CO, Wrongful Death Attorneys Serving Victims’ Families

Losing a loved one due to negligence or misconduct is a heartbreaking experience. Although legal proceedings may not be your primary concern, consulting with wrongful death attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO, can assist you in understanding your rights.

The attorneys at Ramos Law specialize in helping families of individuals who have died because of someone else’s actions. It’s essential to investigate the incident promptly, even though it might be challenging, so that we can collect and preserve crucial evidence.

Our Colorado Springs, CO, attorneys have experience handling numerous personal injury claims. You can reach us by calling or filling out our online form for a free, no-obligation consultation. 

Why You Need a Wrongful Death Lawyer

If you’ve lost someone due to negligence, consulting with a wrongful death attorney helps ensure that justice is served. Experienced attorneys understand that this time is difficult for you and your family, so they’ll handle the process while providing compassionate support.

Other reasons for consulting a wrongful death lawyer in Colorado Springs include the following:

  • To investigate the incident and collect evidence
  • To help you understand your legal rights
  • To handle the legal process and paperwork
  • To guide you through a civil lawsuit
  • To obtain fair compensation for damages like medical expenses, funeral costs, pain and suffering, loss of companionship, lost wages, or other losses
  • To ensure justice for your loved one and family 
  • To provide compassionate legal counsel and support 

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Colorado Springs

If you file a wrongful death lawsuit, you’re seeking to hold the other party accountable for their thoughtless actions. However, to do so successfully, you must provide evidence to the court proving the other party’s recklessness, neglect, or intent caused your loved one’s death.

Civil lawsuits for wrongful death typically stem from accidents or injuries related to car accidents, drunk driving incidents, or defective products. It’s worth mentioning that although criminal charges are possible, wrongful death civil lawsuits are distinct legal proceedings.

Rules for Filing

Each state has different rules for wrongful death lawsuits in civil court. However, all states allow spouses, children, or parents of unmarried children to file a wrongful death claim.

The surviving spouse has one year to file the lawsuit in Colorado and can do so without requiring written indication. Children or eligible beneficiaries can file the claim in the second year, provided the intention is in writing.

Statute of Limitations

If you’re in Colorado and want to file a wrongful death lawsuit, you have two years to do so, but in the case of hit-and-run vehicular homicides, you have four years. Contact our personal injury attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO, to get help and recover the compensation you deserve.

Recover Damages

At Ramos Law, we aim to help you and your family achieve the best possible outcome for your case. The damages awarded by the court depend on the details of your specific situation, but you may be able to seek compensation for the following:

  • Lost benefits and compensation due to your loved one’s death
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Funeral and medical expenses
  • Lost wages from your loved one being unable to work

If the person responsible for the harm caused is highly negligent, you may receive punitive (non-monetary) damages, such as the following:

  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Grief
  • Loss of care, companionship, love, assistance, protection, and affection

Why Choose Ramos Law?

As a personal injury law firm in Colorado Springs, CO, Ramos Law’s skilled attorneys are ready to fight for you. Dr. Joseph Ramos is an emergency physician and attorney who leads our team using his extensive medical and legal background. He began studying law because he wanted every injured or wronged party to access proper legal counsel.

Our team of wrongful death lawyers in Colorado Springs will assess your case from a medical and legal perspective. We understand the difficulties of losing a loved one due to negligence. We’ll handle everything so you can focus on your family.

Our wrongful death attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO, can assist you with the following:

  • Investigating the death and gathering evidence for a solid claim
  • Seeking experts to help prove your loved one’s death was caused by negligence
  • Fighting against the legal representatives of large insurance companies
  • Demanding fair compensation in settlement negotiations or court

Ramos Law’s wrongful death lawyers are committed to resolving your case and alleviating the burden on you and your loved ones. We deal with insurance companies regularly and demand that they treat our clients fairly and compassionately.

Consult with Our Wrongful Death Lawyers in Colorado Springs, CO

At Ramos Law, we value our clients and take pride in our honesty, integrity, hard work, and fairness. We’re the partner you need if you’re seeking assistance with a wrongful death case and want to protect your rights while pursuing appropriate compensation.

Contact our wrongful death lawyers in Colorado Springs, CO, if you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence. We provide a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.

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