Blind Spots Are Avoidable

Blind Spots are Avoidable

The Denver Metro Area continues to witness an influx of residents and therefore, an increase in traffic and automobile accidents. The majority of accidents that result in personal injuries, are the consequence of drivers failing to see their fellow motorists, either by distracted driving or simply not utilizing their side mirrors. In fact, blind spots […]

4 Tips For Bike Safety From A Bicycle Accident Attorney

Bike Accident Attorney in Denver - Bike Safety Tips

Riding a bicycle is a fun, healthy, and environmentally friendly way to get around the city. However, bike riders are at a significantly higher risk of personal injury than other vehicles on the road. Whenever there is an accident between a car and a bicycle, the driver of the car is likely to walk away […]

4 Reasons to Get Legal Assistance from a Lawyer After an Accident

Why Get Legal Assistance After an Accident

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is a tough decision to make. There are many benefits to hiring an attorney as quickly as possible, but some people decide to wait to avoid additional hassles. It may seem like an extra step, but the benefits of having someone as your legal advocate can add up quickly. A lawyer makes it easier to get certain steps done and receive proper medical attention.

3 Ways a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You

Ways a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

People can injure themselves in a variety of ways and places. While a personal injury attorney will likely handle all types of cases, some professionals and firms specialize in it. Before you contact a lawyer, consider: The extent of the injury The cause of the injury Who is responsible for the injury By identifying these […]

5 Things Owners Should do to Avoid Dog Bites

Dog Bite Attorney in Colorado

Let’s face it: some dogs are very hard to train. Just because a dog has been known to bite doesn’t mean it can’t have a special place in our hearts. Avoiding dog bite injuries where you might have to use the services of a dog bite attorney and follow these steps to help minimize risk […]

Hit and Run Victim? Here’s What to Do!

Hit and Run Victim - What to Do

Hit and run accidents can be a difficult experience, and these fatal accidents are on a steady rise in the United States. Not only do victims have the trauma of a car accident to deal with, they often have bigger financial obligations. They may also have difficulty getting insurance companies to pay for their medical […]

Colorado Lawmakers Seek Felony Charges for ‘Move Over’ Law

Auto Accident Attorney - Safe Driving Tips

When a driver on the road witnesses any maintenance crews, towing trucks, or an emergency vehicle with its’ light on, the law states drivers must move over one lane to create a safety buffer. In fact, Colorado’s ‘Move Over’ law is not a recent development but rather a new bill called, SB 229, that seeks to harshen the punishment for those who do not follow the ‘move over’ law.

Avoiding Accidents with Wildlife this Winter

Avoiding Wildlife Accidents in Colorado

According to officials from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the chances of an auto accident involving wild animals increase during this time of year. Low visibility brought on by longer dark hours combined with increased animal activity make the winter months extremely dangerous for drivers and wildlife alike. “It’s going to be obviously most dangerous at […]

Rideshare Liability and Services

Rideshare Accident Lawyer in Colorado

Last month, Uber’s self-driving truck made its first delivery: 50,000 beers from the Anheuser Busch brewery in Fort Collins, 120 miles down I-25 to Colorado Springs. The sight of an 18-wheeler trucking down the highway without a driver is only going to become more common as the technology improves and spreads. Uber already has a […]