Denver, CO Truck Accident Lawyers

Serving Denver Metro, Boulder, Greeley, Steamboat Springs, Fort Collins, and all of Colorado

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Denver, CO Truck Accident Attorneys

Colorado has some of the busiest highways in the United States for freight and trucking. When accidents involving truck drivers and their big rigs happen, the severity of the injuries sustained to those in the passenger vehicles increases substantially. If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries or losses as a result of the negligence of a truck driver, you should contact a truck accident lawyer right away to examine your case and determine if you are eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit.

In many cases, truck accidents happen because of negligence, and there may be many possible factors involved. At Ramos Law, we put the hard work in for you so you can focus on recovering from your truck wreck. Our team of truck accident attorneys has years of experience dealing with these complex cases and can help fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact our Denver, CO personal injury attorneys today at (303) 214-7927 for a complimentary consultation.

How Our Denver Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help

Just like other accidents involving any type of motor vehicle, truck accidents occur for many different reasons. They could be due to the truck driver’s negligence or carelessness, or perhaps due to the semi-trucks themselves. Factors most commonly associated with large-truck accidents include:

  • Poor road conditions
  • Truckers speeding
  • Truckers driving recklessly
  • Truckers driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Truck drivers disobeying traffic laws
  • A lack of familiarity with the road conditions or surroundings
  • A highly pressurized work environment
  • Truck driver fatigue
  • Improper vehicle maintenance
  • Overloaded trucks
  • Poorly loaded trucks

When any of these circumstances come into play, a truck accident may happen and the consequences can be very serious. If truck drivers have not properly cared for their vehicle or have pushed themselves beyond their driving limits, the truck accidents they cause and the injuries sustained by a victim deserve justice and fair compensation.

Types of Truck Accidents 

The size and shape of a semi-truck allow for certain types of truck accidents to occur that would likely not be possible with other types of smaller motor vehicles. While head-on collisions and fender benders are all possible with any type of vehicle, semi-trucks are also prone to creating the following types of accidents with extremely serious consequences for those involved:

  • Roll-overs
  • Jackknife
  • Tire blowout
  • Wide turn
  • Unsecured cargo
  • Underride (when another vehicle is lodged underneath the truck)
  • Blind spot
  • Rear-end

What To Do After a Semi-Truck Accident in Denver

  1. Call 911 or local law enforcement immediately and have them report to the accident scene. A police report is an invaluable piece of evidence since it documents the crash’s details and circumstances. It will help establish negligence and strengthen your case.
  2. If you’re able to do so without causing further injury to yourself, try to get the contact details of any witnesses and parties involved in the accident. If possible, take pictures at the location of the damage to both vehicles, as well as pictures detailing the scene. Write down everything that happened as soon as you can, before you forget important details.
  3. Even if you do not feel injured, seek medical attention at the nearest hospital and allow a physician to examine you as soon as possible. This helps draw a conclusive line between your injuries and the accident and will strengthen your case. Take pictures of your injuries.
  4. Next, call our Denver truck accident attorneys at (303) 214-7927 for a free consultation. Dr. Joseph Ramos is an attorney and also a board-certified Emergency Department medical doctor. He and our team understand your injuries and what you are going through, and we have the skills and experience to guide you through the complex legal and medical processes.

Contact Our Denver Truck Accident Lawyers

Trucking accidents can result in life-changing injuries and losses for the drivers of other vehicles. Don’t let the insurance company for the trucking company allow you to settle your trucking accident injuries claim for less than it is worth. If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a Colorado truck driver’s negligence or recklessness, Ramos Law can help you protect your rights as a victim and fight for the compensation you deserve. 

Call us at (303) 214-7927 or contact our lawyers for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

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