We Explain Your Injuries To Juries Better Than Anyone

Colorado Springs

(719) 309-3000

Grand Junction

(970) 287-1173

Doctor and Lawyer Helping Your Case

When it comes to injury claims from car crashes and work injuries, most are settled without a formal lawsuit.  That said, there are times when a fair settlement cannot be reached and a lawsuit has to be filed. Once a lawsuit is filed, there is typically a one year (give or take) lawsuit process of exchanging information and taking testimony before the actual trial.  At this point, you absolutely need an expert on your side who can explain your injuries and the medicine behind them to a jury

Dr. Joe Ramos and his legal team are the experts you need to take your case to trial and have the best chance for success.  As a medical doctor who SPECIALIZED and was BOARD CERTIFIED in the treatment of traumatic injuries and emergency medicine, Dr. Ramos has been in the courtroom over 100 times!  Throughout his medical career, he served as a medical expert to explain a patient’s injuries and treatment to juries in a clear and concise way so they could have a complete understanding of exactly what was going on.  In fact, it was Dr. Ramos’ courtroom experiences that eventually led him to decide to go to law school!

After being in trial after trial where he shared his expertise on injuries and the medicine used to treat them, he began to realize that he could only give answers as good as the questions he was being asked by the attorneys involved in the case.  While the attorneys asking him questions were doing their best to get to the critical information, it was the questions they DIDN’T ask that really began to open his eyes. If they had known and better understood the medicine of the case, they could’ve asked more specific, impactful questions that would have helped the jury get a crystal clear understanding of what was going on.

Joseph Ramos, MD, JD

Medical Doctor and Attorney

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Having been a lawyer since 2009, Dr. Ramos is uniquely qualified as both a doctor AND an attorney. He incorporates all of his vast medical knowledge and his legal expertise as an attorney to create the best possible chance for your case to be successful at trial. This happens in several ways. First, because of his medical background, Dr. Ramos and his team are able to ask the doctors on the stand the most specific, most impactful questions possible. These specific medical questions allow doctors to give juries all the details they need so your story can be told correctly and completely.

Because of the nature of traumatic injuries, there are times when the medicine of the case can be very complex. Dr. Ramos and his team know how to use specific tools to help demonstrate and explain your injuries and the treatment you’ve received; so the jury can fully understand exactly what you’ve gone through. As a medical doctor who keeps up on the latest research and education in injury treatment, Dr. Ramos has access to educational models, videos, animations and other important visual tools that take the complexities of injuries and break them down into visual aids the jury can easily understand. This is absolutely critical in telling your story effectively! In addition to the work attorneys do at trial, some trials require that experts and specialists be brought in to explain your injuries as well. These experts have years of experience in diagnosing and treating injuries involving muscles, bones, joints, nerves, and even the brain. While there are thousands of doctors who treat patients in our state, the number who are qualified to testify on your behalf are limited to a very select group. Because Dr. Ramos has been involved in treating traumatic injuries for so long in Colorado, he’s learned who the best doctors are in all fields of trauma-based care. These include orthopedists, neurologists, cardiologists, neuropsychologists, interventionalists, chiropractors, and physical therapists. When you need an expert to help explain your injuries and treatment, Dr. Ramos can help find the absolute best who know about injuries and care about people!!

Juries need to REALLY understand you and your injuries to be fair. Having Dr. Ramos and the Ramos Law team on your side assures that you have the advantage of the latest research, educational tools and props and the best medical experts available when it comes time to go to trial.