What Not To Do In Court

January 27, 2023

Colorado Springs

(719) 309-3000

Grand Junction

(970) 287-1173

So, you have been summoned to court. The legal system can be intimidating, but the key to navigating it successfully is knowledge. Every step of the way when you’re facing legal matters, from selecting an attorney to appearing in court, should involve strategy and forethought. As such, to help ensure your case moves forward in earnest, here are four essential things not to do in court.

1. Don’t Say “I Didn’t Know”

It is important to understand the importance of being aware of the facts in a court of law. Saying “I didn’t know” or “they didn’t tell me” is dismissive and can give the impression that you are disregarding court protocol. We see this mistake frequently, especially in cases of personal injury or auto accidents. Ignorance of the facts will not get you out of any situation, regardless of whose fault it might have been. Instead, it is best to be prepared and honest when addressing any issues in court – this will help ensure that justice is served correctly and appropriately. Ultimately, no matter the circumstance, your best defense begins with knowledge.

2. Watch Your Tone

The tone you use when presenting your case in a court of law is vital to your success. We all know it’s frustrating to go to court after a personal injury or car accident, but you should not take that stress out on others around you. Making sure you show respect to both the judge and other parties involved in the proceedings is essential. Negative or rude tones should be avoided at all costs, as they can convey a sense of disrespect and hostility and reflect poorly on yourself and your argument. Instead, taking a respectful approach to the courtroom with an even-tempered tone will demonstrate respect to all parties and make sure that your case can be fairly presented without prejudice or strong emotions clouding it. Not only will this ensure that everyone, including yourself, is treated respectfully but it can improve the chances of success as well when presenting arguments before a judge.

3. Answer Only The Question Being Asked

Being in court can be intimidating, so it’s no surprise that many people try to provide long and rambling answers, hoping to explain their point of view. This is especially common in personal injury or auto accident cases where you may feel that your perspective or unique experience should hold weight in court. However, providing lengthy answers is not advised, as they often only lead to additional questions and could put you in a difficult spot with the judge. The best way to handle yourself in court is to stick with concise, clear answers that directly address the question. While some may see this approach as “skirting” the issue or avoiding getting into the details of a case, it is an effective tactic if you hope to steer your approach in a beneficial direction. In most cases, there is no need for an extended answer if you have done your due diligence in preparing for what’s ahead. Knowing how much (or how little) to say will help you stay on course during testimony and keep things running smoothly.

4. Never Get Angry

Everyone makes mistakes, but when it comes to court, you want to make sure that you keep your cool and stay focused. If you get angry or frustrated during a hearing it can come off as unprofessional and could cause people to perceive you incorrectly. Courts are based on facts, not feelings; therefore any arguments made must be calm and rational. Furthermore, never lash out against judges or lawyers when in court as this will reflect poorly on you and could lead to a worse outcome than if you had kept your composure in the first place. Generally speaking, staying level-headed is key for success in the courtroom; so no matter what happens remember to always strive for composure rather than having an emotional reaction.

Contact Our Litigation Law Firm 

While it may seem like the deck is stacked against you when you find yourself in court, there are steps you can take to give yourself the best chance at success. The key is knowledge and understanding of the legal process and your rights as a defendant. If you or someone you know needs guidance from a personal injury or auto accident attorney in Colorado and Arizona, contact our expert team of lawyers at Ramos Law for help. Our knowledgeable firm will be more than happy to help you get started and ensure your case ends in your favor.