4 Reasons to Get Legal Assistance from a Lawyer After an Accident

Why Get Legal Assistance After an Accident

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is a tough decision to make. There are many benefits to hiring an attorney as quickly as possible, but some people decide to wait to avoid additional hassles. It may seem like an extra step, but the benefits of having someone as your legal advocate can add up quickly. A lawyer makes it easier to get certain steps done and receive proper medical attention.

Rideshare Liability and Services

Rideshare Accident Lawyer in Colorado

Last month, Uber’s self-driving truck made its first delivery: 50,000 beers from the Anheuser Busch brewery in Fort Collins, 120 miles down I-25 to Colorado Springs. The sight of an 18-wheeler trucking down the highway without a driver is only going to become more common as the technology improves and spreads. Uber already has a […]