Category: Personal Injury

Colorado Springs

(719) 309-3000

Grand Junction

(970) 287-1173
Auto Accident Attorney - Safe Driving Tips

Colorado Lawmakers Seek Felony Charges for ‘Move Over’ Law

When a driver on the road witnesses any maintenance crews, towing trucks, or an emergency vehicle with its’ light on, the law states drivers must move over one lane to create a safety buffer. In fact, Colorado’s ‘Move Over’ law is not a recent development but rather a new bill called, SB 229, that seeks to harshen the punishment for those who do not follow the ‘move over’ law.

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Breck Beer Fest Group

Designated Drivers at The Breckenridge Beer Festival

Ramos Law was honored to be selected as the official Designated Driver (DD) Sponsor at one hoppy event, The 2017 Breckenridge Beer Festival. Ramos Law promoted the importance of Designated Drivers and Not Drinking and Driving, by handing out free lunch coupons to DD’s and free rides to patrons who enjoyed over 42 breweries, views, and live music.

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